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BY BUS To Flamengo, Botafogo, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Barra and back. Take the special bus just outside the arrival areas at terminals 1 and 2 (it departs every 30 minutes). REAL ONIBUS - BUS 2018 - check the bus itinerary clicking on the bus number! Bus fare R$7.00 (R$ = BRL, Brazilian Real)

Another option is the special line Galeão-Santos Dumont, which goes from Galeão the International Airport to Santos Dumont, a smaller airport in the downtown. This bus' fare is R$ 4. From there, you can catch another bus or take the subway. This is also an alternative to reduce the cab's fare, since the Santos Dumont airport is much closer from the downtown and the main Zona Sul neighborhoods then the International Airport.

SHUTTLE SERVICE To Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Barra and back. SHUTTLE RIO Shuttle costs R$12.00 pp - the service can be booked on their website

CAB Follow the signs in each terminal's arrival areas for taxi ranks (GET THE YELLOW ONES with normal fare) Fare should cost around R$30.00 to get downtown or around R$50.00 to the main Zona Sul neighborhoods. Regular fare today: R$4.30+R$1.25/Km - Note that everyday between 21h00 and 06h00 and during all day on Sundays, holidays and the entire month of December, the fare is increased in 20%.


To Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon and back. Take the special bus in front of the bus station back exit at Rua Equador (it departs every 20 minutes). REAL ONIBUS – BUS 2017 - Rodoviária Novo Rio / Leblon - via Aterro do Flamengo - check the bus itinerary clicking on the bus number. Bus fare is R$4.00

Or regular buses (bus fare R$2.20) going everywhere in front of the main entrance at Av Francisco Bicalho (find a bus at Rio Onibus ).

There's also a special bus that takes you directly to the Estácio station of the metro. The fare is the normal R$2.20, but you can buy a combined ticket for the bus fare and the subway fare for R$3.60. This service is called Metrô-Ônibus Expresso (Subway-Bus express).

HOW TO GET THE METRO (underground/subway)

One way metro ticket costs R$2.80 and it is open Mon/Sat from 05:00/Midnight; Sun/holidays from 07:00/23:00. Further info METRO RIO Only the lines 1 (orange) and 2 (green) are actually underground (ask for the number: nobody cares about the colour here), the others are done by shuttle buses, using the same ticket. Passes cost the same as the individual tickets, may not save you money but saves a lot of time, if you get the metro with a lot of frequency you should buy a pass.

Note that there are two kinds of shuttle buses: the "Metrô na superfície" lines, that goes from Copacabana to Ipanema/Leblon/Barra (the blue and the yellow lines on the map below), and the "Metrô-Ônibus Expresso", which goes to other places such as Pão de Açúcar or Rodoviária (Bus Station) (the smaller purple from some stations). The latter have a different ticket and more expensive fare (R$3.60). (There is a pass that is accepted in both buses and ferry but not metro yet, can be purchased at any Unibanco`s bank agency, ask for RIOCARD ) Arquivo:Metro.jpg



À Mineira Rua Visconde de Silva, 152 - Humaitá

Aprazível Rua Aprazível, 62 - Santa Teresa

Bar do Mineiro Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 99 - Santa Teresa - (21) 2221-9227

Brasileirinho Rua Jangadeiros,10 - Ipanema - (21) 2513-5184

Casa da Feijoada Rua Prudente de Moraes, 10 - Ipanema - (21) 2247-2776

Espírito Santa Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 264 - Largo dos Guimarães - Santa Teresa

Estação Baião de Dois Centro Luiz Gonzaga de Tradições Nordestinas - Pavilhão de São Cristóvão - São Cristóvão

Jerimum Centro Luiz Gonzaga de Tradições Nordestinas - Pavilhão de São Cristóvão - Av. do Nordestino, 14 - São Cristóvão

Siri Mole & Cia Rua Francisco Otaviano, 50 - Copacabana

Yorubá Rua Arnaldo Quintela, 94 – Botafogo – (21) 2541-9387

Tacará do Norte - Rua Barão do Flamengo, 35 - Flamengo - (21) 2205-7545

Sudbrack Rua Lineu de Paula Machado, 916 - Jardim Botânico

Carlota Rua Dias Ferreira, 64 - Leblon


Fellini Rua General Urquiza, 104 - Leblon

Nanquim Rua Jardim Botânico, 644 - Jardim Botânico - (21) 3874-0015 & Rua do Pinheiro, 10 – Flamengo - (21) 2556-5119


Al Khayam Rua do Ouvidor, 16 - Centro

Sharm El Sheikh Rua Barão da Torre, 490 - Ipanema

Al Kwait Av. Treze de Maio, 23 - Centro

Amir Rua Ronald de Carvalho, 55 - Praça do Lido - Copacabana

Arab Av. Atlântica, 1.936 A - Copacabana - (21) 2235-6698

Baghdad Rua Bolivar, 45 - Copacabana

Cedro do Líbano Rua Senhor dos Passos, 231 - Centro

Safran Rua da Quitanda, 68 - Centro


Vegetariano Social Clube Rua Conde de Bernadote, 26 - Leblon

Refeitório Orgânico Rua 19 de Fevereiro, 120 – Botafogo

Rio Vegetariano Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 448 – COBAL - Botafogo

Universo Orgânico Rua Conde de Bernadote, 26 - Leblon

Ser Natural Rua do Catete, 228 - Catete

Cria da Terra Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 330 - 2nd floor - Ipanema

Celeiro Rua Dias Ferreira, 199 - Leblon

Fontes Rua Visconde de Piraja, 605 - Ipanema

Nirvana Praça Santos Dumont, 31- Gávea

Beterraba Rua da Alfândega, 25 - Centro & Rua Dom Gerardo, 46 – Praça Mauá

Reino Vegetal Rua Luís de Camões, 98 - Centro

Bardana's Praça Ana Amélia, 9 Sobreloja - Castelo - Centro

Green Rua do Carmo, 38 - Centro

Health's Rua Senador Dantas, 84 - Centro


Tempeh Rua 1º de Março, 24 - Centro

Vegan Vegan Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 402 – Botafogo


Metamorfose Rua Santa Luzia, 405 – Centro

Associação Macrobiótica Rua Embaixador Régis Oliveira, 7 – Cinelândia


Antiquarius Rua Aristides Espínola, 19 - Leblon

O Navegador Av. Rio Branco, 180 - Centro


Braseiro da Gávea Praça Santos Dumont, 116 - Gávea

Churrascaria Palace Rua Rodolfo Dantas, 16 - Copacabana

Giuseppe Grill Av. Bartolomeu Mitre, 370 - Leblon

Majórica Rua Senador Vergueiro, 11 - Flamengo - (21) 2205-0205

Marius Av. Atlântica, 290 - Leme

Porcão Rua Barão da Torre, 218 - Ipanema & Av. Infante Dom Henrique - Aterro - Flamengo

Esplanada Grill Rua Barão da Torre, 600 - Ipanema

Zozô Avenida Pasteur, 520 - Praia Vermelha – Urca

Carretão Rua Siqueira Campos, 23 - Copacabana / Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 112 - Ipanema


Albamar Praça Marechal Âncora, 184 – Centro

Azul Marinho Rua Francisco Bhering - Arpoador - Hotel Arpoador Inn - (21) 2513-5014

Barracuda Av. Infante Dom Henrique - Aterro do Flamengo - Marina da Glória – Glória

King Crab Crustáceos Rua do Ouvidor, 12 – Centro -(21) 2220-2532

Mangue Seco Rua do Lavradio, 23 – Centro

Margutta Av. Graça Aranha, 1 - Centro & Av. Henrique Dumont, 62 – Ipanema

Marisqueira Rua Barata Ribeiro, 232 – Copacabana - (21) 2547-3920

Marius Crustáceos Av. Atlântica, 290 – Leme

Pampa Oceano Rua Duvivier, 21 – Copacabana

Sentaí Rua Barão de São Félix, 75 – Centro

Sobrenatural Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 432 - Santa Teresa - (21) 2224-1003

Satyricon Rua Barão da Torre 192 - Ipanema

Tia Palmira Caminho do Souza, 18 - Barra de Guaratiba - (21) 2410-8169

Tia Penha Estrada Roberto Burle Marx, 10.815 - Barra de Guaratiba - (21) 2410-1425

476 Rua Barros de Alarcão, 476 - Barra de Guaratiba - (21) 2417-1716

Siri Rua dos Artistas, 2 - Vila Isabel Tel.: (21)2208-6165


Sushi Leblon Rua Dias Ferreira, 256 – Leblon

Azumi Rua Ministro Viveiros de Castro, 127 – Copacabana - (21) 2541-4294

Manekineko Sushi Rua Dias Ferreira, 410 – Leblon

Togu Rua Dias Ferreira, 90 – Leblon

Yasuto Tanaka Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 1210 – Lagoa

Mirai Rua Dias Ferreira, 116 - Leblon

Madame Butterfly Rua Barão da Torre, 472 - Ipanema



Colombo Rua Gonçalves Dias, 32/36 - Centro Phone 2505-1500

Bazzar Café Av. Rio Branco, 44 - Livraria Travessa - Centro

Café Laguiole MAM- Museu de Arte Moderna - Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85 - Centro Phone: 2532-0755

Café Rodrigues Travessa do Ouvidor, 21 A - Centro Phone: 2252-7888

Casa Cavé Rua Sete de Setembro, 137 - Centro Rua Uruguaiana, 11 - Centro Phone: 2224-2520


Café das Ruínas Rua Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 - Santa Teresa

Jasmim Manga Café Paschoal Carlos Magno, 143 - Santa Teresa

Tumbão de Malevo Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 121 – Santa Teresa


Salão D’Or Praia do Flamengo, 340 - Casa de Arte e Cultura Julieta de Serpa - Flamengo Phone: 2551-1278


Café Prefácio Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 39 - Botafogo


Colombo do Forte Praça Coronel Eugênio Franco, 01 - Posto Seis - Forte de Copacabana - Copacabana Phone 3201-4049

Samba Café Rua Francisco Otaviano, 20 lj. G. - Shopping Cassino Atlântico - Copacabana

Cafeína Rua Constante Ramos, 44 - Copacabana


Armazém do Café Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 547 - Ipanema * Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 261 A - Ipanema

Felice Caffè Rua Gomes Carneiro, 30 - Ipanema

Alessandro & Frederico Café Rua Garcia D‘Ávila, 134 - Ipanema Phone: 2521-0828

Chaika Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 321 - Ipanema

Cafeína Rua Farme de Amoedo, 43 - Ipanema

The Bakers Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 330 - Ipanema

Café Fazenda Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 82 – Ipanema Phone (21) 2227-5840

Café Hum Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 580/118 - Ipanema

Café Ubaldo Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 276 - Livraria Letras & Expressões - Ipanema Phone: 2521-6110

Noz Moscada Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 547 – Galeria Ipanema - Ipanema

Mel & Pimenta Bistrô Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 44 - Ipanema

Blends Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 207 - Ipanema

Nespresso Rua Garcia D' Ávila, 117 - Ipanema


Café do Alto Rua Alberto Rangel, 71 - Leblon

Garcia & Rodrigues Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1251 – Leblon

Talho Capixaba Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1022 – Leblon

Café Aquim Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1240 - Leblon

Kurt Rua General Urquiza ,117 - Leblon

C'est un Café Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva ,320 - Leblon

Café Daconde Rua Conde Bernadotte, 26 - Leblon

Cafeína Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1321 - Leblon *

Café Venâncio Rua General Venâncio Flores, 300 - Leblon

Café com Letras Avenida Bartolomeu Mitre, 297 - Leblon

Armazém do Café Rua Rita Ludolf, 87 - Leblon * Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 375 - Leblon

Café D'Hôtel Hotel Marina All Suites, Av. Delfim Moreira, 696 - Leblon Phone: 2172-1100

Café D’Antonio Torres Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1292 – Livraria Letras & Expressões - Leblon Phone: (21) 2511-5085 – opened 24/7

Café Severino Rua Dias Ferreira, 417 - Livraria Argumento Phone: 2259-9398

Noz Moscada Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 270/108 - Rio Design Center - Leblon

Colher de Pau Rua Rita Ludolf, 90 - Leblon

Envidia Rua Dias Ferreira, 106 - Leblon

Starbucks Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 - Leblon


Casa da Tata Rua Professor Manuel Ferreira, 89 - Gavea

Café Galeria Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 476 - Instituto Moreira Salles - Gávea Phone (21) 3284-7400


Café du Lage Parque Lage - Rua Jardim Botânico, 414 - Jardim Botânico Phone: 2538-1091

Maça Café Rua Jardim Botânico, 585 - lj A, B - Livraria Ponte de Tábuas - Jardim Botânico


Escola do Pão Rua General Garzon, 10 - Lagoa


Adventure Motorcycle Tours specializing in South America Compass Expeditions



Find the best of Lapa according to Rio this Week

Check what’s going on daily at LA NA LAPA and a map of all the attractions of Lapa and surrounding area at: LAPA MAP

CIRCO VOADOR Rua dos Arcos, 1 - Lapa

FUNDIÇÃO PROGRESSO Rua dos Arcos, 24 - Lapa

DEMOCRÁTICOS Rua do Riachuelo, 91 - Lapa

ARCO ÍRIS Av Mem de Sá, 72 - Lapa


CARIOCA DA GEMA Av Mem de Sá, 72 - Lapa

COMUNA DO SEMENTE Rua Joaquim Silva, 38 - Lapa

ESTRELA DA LAPA Av Mem de Sá, 69 - Lapa

ESPAÇO MULTIFOCO Av Mem de Sá, 126 - Lapa

RIO ROCK & BLUES Rua do Riachuelo, 20 - Lapa

RIO SCENARIUM Rua do Lavradio, 20 - Lapa

On the opposite side of the street you find a cachaçaria/crab place called MANGUE SECO

SANTO SCENARIUM Rua do Lavradio, 36 - Lapa

LAPA IRISH PUB Rua Evaristo da Veiga, 147 - Lapa

BECO DO RATO Rua Joaquim Silva, 11 - Lapa


THEATRO MUNICIPAL (OPERA HOUSE) Praça Floriano, s/nº - Centro

TEATRO RIVAL Rua Álvaro Alvim, 33 / 37 – Cinelândia – Centro

SALA CECÍLIA MEIRELES Largo da Lapa, 47 - Centro

TRAPICHE GAMBOA Rua Sacadura Cabral, 155 – Gamboa

CENTRO CULTURAL CARIOCA Rua do Teatro, 37 – Centro

CAIS DO ORIENTE Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 8 - Centro

BAR LUIZ Rua da Carioca, 39 - Centro

BOTECO CASUAL Travessa do Comércio, 26 - Centro


SIMPLESMENTE Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 115 Phone: 2221 0337

BAR DO MARCÔ Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 412 Phone: 2531 8787

ESPÍRITO SANTA Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 264

CASARÃO HERMÊ Rua Hermenegildo de Barros 193

BAR DO ARNAUDO Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 316

ADEGA DO PIMENTA Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 296

JASMIM MANGA Paschoal Carlos Magno, 143

BAR DO MINEIRO Rua Pascoal Carlos Magno 99

ASIA Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 256


CLANDESTINO BAR Rua Barata Ribeiro, 111 - Copacabana

FOSFOBOX Rua Siqueira Campos, 143 - Coapacabana

ALLEGRO BISTRO MUSICAL Rua Barata Ribeiro, 502 - Copacabana

ATLANTICO Avenida Atlântica, 3880 - Copacabana

BIP BIP Rua Almirante Gonçalves, 50 - Copacabana

ADEGA PEROLA Rua Siqueira Campos, 138 - Copacabana

LA FIORENTINA Av. Atlântica, 458 - Copacabana

PAVAO AZUL Rua Hilário de Gouveia, 71 - Copacabana

PONTO DA BOSSA NOVA Rua Domingos Ferreira, 215 - Copacabana


00 (ZERO ZERO) Avenida Padre Leonel Franca, 240 - Gavea


CLUBE DOS MACACOS Rua Pacheco Leão, 2.038 - Jardim Botânico

CAROLINE CAFÉ Rua JJ Seabra, 10 - Jardim Botânico

DA GRAÇA Rua Pacheco Leão, 780 - Jardim Botânico

SATURNINO Rua Saturnino de Brito, 50 - Jardim Botânico

JARDIM LIVING BAR Rua Pacheco Leão, 836

BRÁZ Rua Maria Angélica, 129 - Jardim Botânico


LONDRA Avenida Vieira Souto, 80 - Ipanema

BOOX Rua Barão da Torre, 368 - Ipanema

BARONETTI Rua Barão da Torre, 354 - Ipanema

CRISTAL LOUNGE Rua Barão da Torre, 334 - Ipanema

ZAZA Rua Joana Angélica, 40 - Ipanema

BAZZAR Rua Barão da Torre, 538 - Ipanema

LOUNGE 69 Rua Farme de Amoedo, 50 - Ipanema

VINICIUS Rua Vinicius de Moraes, 39 - Ipanema

EMPORIO Rua Maria Quitéria, 37 - Ipanema

ESPELUNCA CHIC Rua Maria Quitéria, 46 - Ipanema

BELMONTE Rua Teixeira de Melo, 53 - Ipanema

DEVASSA Rua Prudente de Moraes, 416 /// Rua Visconde de Piraja, 539

BOTEQUIM INFORMAL Rua Barao da Torre, 348 - Ipanema

GULA GULA Rua Henrique Dumont, 57 - Ipanema

MARKET Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 499 - Ipanema

CONVERSA AFINADA"' Rua Vinicius de Moraes, 75 -3rd floor - Ipanema

VIA SETE Rua Garcia D'Ávila, 125 - Ipanema

FORNERIA Rua Aníbal de Mendonça, 112 - Ipanema


CANECÃO Av. Venceslau Brás, 215 - Botafogo

CASA DA MATRIZ Rua Henrique de Novais, 107 - Botafogo

MEZA BAR Rua Capitão Salomão, 69 - Botafogo

DRINKERIA MALDITA Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 10 – Botafogo

CINEMATEQUE JAM CLUB Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 53 – Botafogo

PISTA 3 Rua São João Batista, 14 - Botafogo

BUKOWSKI Rua Álvaro Ramos, 270 - Botafogo - Phone 22447303

OVELHA NEGRA Rua Bambina, 120 - Botafogo – Phone 2226-1064

MIAM MIAM Rua General Góes Monteiro , 34 - Botafogo

SALVACAO Rua Henrique de Novaes, 55 - Botafogo

ODORICO Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 31 - Botafogo

O PLEBEU Rua Capitão Salomão, 50 - Botafogo


BAR MOFO Rua Barão do Flamengo, 35 - Flamengo

VIVO RIO Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85 - MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna - Flamengo

BELMONTE Praia do Flamengo, 300 - Flamengo

DEVASSA Rua Senador Vergeuiro, 2 - Flamengo

HERR BRAUER Rua Barão do Flamengo, 35 - Flamengo

LAMAS Rua Marques de Abrantes, 18 - Flamengo


HIDEAWAY Rua das Laranjeiras, 308 - Laranjeiras

CASA ROSA Rua Alice, 550 – Laranjeiras

SEVERYNA Rua Ipiranga, 54 – Laranjeiras

BOTEQUIM DO SERAFIM Rua Alice, 54 - Laranjeiras


BAR D'HOTEL Av. Delfim Moreira, 696 - Leblon

THE HOUSE Av. General San Martin, 1011 - Leblon

BARDOT Rua Dias Ferreira, 247 - Leblon

MELT Rua Rita Ludolf, 47 – Leblon

JOBI Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 1166 - Leblon

VELOSO Rua Aristides Espínola, 44 - Leblon

ESCH CAFE Rua Dias Ferreira, 78 - Leblon

BELMONTE Rua Dias Ferreira, 521 - Leblon

DEVASSA Rua Genaral San Martin, 1241 - Leblon

ACADEMIA DA CACHAÇA Rua Conde Bernadotte, 2 - Leblon

BRACARENSE Rua José Linhares, 85 - Leblon

JUICE CO. Avenida General San Martin , 889 - Lebon

ZUKA Rua Dias Ferreira , 233 - Leblon

JEITO CARIOCA Rua Conde Bernadotte, 26 - Leblon

AZEITONA & CIA Rua Dias Ferreira, 647 - Leblon

QUADRUCCI Rua Dias Ferreira, 233 - Leblon

SAWASDEE Rua Dias Ferreira, 571 - Leblon

NAM THAI Rua Rainha Guilhermina , 95 - Leblon

SALITRE Avenida General San Martin, 857 - Leblon

CONVERSA FIADA Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 900 - Leblon

GENTE FINA Avenida General San Martin, 359 - Leblon

BOTECO SÃO ROQUE Avenida General San Martin, 1227 - Leblon


CITIBANK HALL Av. Ayrton Senna, 3000 – Barra da Tijuca

ARENA HSBC Autódromo Nelson Piquet - Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, s/n° - Barra da Tijuca


View From Praia do Flamengo

You don’t want to leave Rio without watching the sunset from up above. The Sugar Loaf is the best sight. Not only is it worth the ride in the cable car, but having a drink at the top after a busy day is also just perfect. There are two hills you can ride up. The first is Morro da Urca (735 feet / 220 meters), and if you’re lucky some tiny monkeys might welcome you. The second is the summit (1300 feet / 396 meters), a ride that height freaks will run from. Nevertheless, rewarding. On one side you’ll see the city, the bay guarded by the statue of Christ the Redeemer and the 14km bridge to the town of Niteroi, on the other, Copacabana beach shaped by the Atlantic Ocean. About one million people visit the Sugar Loaf every year. It only takes 10 minutes by taxi from the Copacabana beach. If you are not like many climbers that face those hills as a challenge, ride up then sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

You can also climb the smaller hill (Morro da Urca) by foot, there's a track beginning on the middle of the Pista Cláudio Coutinho footway, on the other side of the entrance to the cableway. It's an easy track, you can make it in 30 minutes or like, but it is recommended to go in groups. It's also possible to climb the bigger hill, but only with ropes and other equipment. If you climb this hill, you can go down by the cableway at night.

Price: R$44.00

Opened daily from 08:00/20:00

How to get there: Head to Urca From Downtown: get BUS 107, at Rua Senador Dantas /// From Glória, Flamengo, get BUS 107 at Av. Augusto Severo or Praia do Flamengo /// From Botafogo: get BUS107 at Praia de Botafogo /// From Copacabana: get BUS 511, at Av. N. S. de Copacabana; or BUS 512 at Rua Barata Ribeiro /// From Ipanema and Leblon: get BUS 511 or 512, at Visconde de Pirajá and Av.Ataulfo de Paiva /// Taking the Subway, ask for the "Metrô Ônibus Expresso" ticket or simply the Urca ticket, it have the subway and the bus fare combined. You'll go until the Botafogo station and take the bus 511-A.



Cristo Redentor

You’ve probably already seen it in a postcard but once you get there the view will be stamped in your mind for a lifetime. This is the first touristy place you want to visit to have a clear picture of Rio’s layout. The spot offers a 360° view of the city. Take the map with you and figure it all out! If possible, avoid going on weekends because the place is packed! The best way to get there is by a small red tram. The 20 minute ride will take you up through the Tijuca forest. It’s filled with jack fruit trees. The statue covered in a mosaic of soapstone stands 30 meters / 100 feet high, about the same size as the Statue of Liberty. There is no way to go up the monu-ment. No need. It lies at the peak of Corcovado Moun-tain (2,330 feet / 710 meters) that splits the city in two: north and south regions. Following the Art Deco style, the statue was built by a Brazilian engineer and a French sculptor from 1926 to 1931. The money was raised from donations.

Price: R$ 45.00 Discount with an HI card.

Opened daily from 08:30/18:30

How to get there: From Downtown: get BUS 180 or BUS 184, at Av. Rio Branco /// From Glória, Flamengo: get BUS 180 or 184, at Av. Augusto Severo /// From Botafogo: get BUS 583 at Rua São Clemente; or BUS 584 at Praia de Botafogo /// From Copacabana:get BUS 583 at Av. N. S. de Copacabana; or BUS 584 at Barata Ribeiro /// From Ipanema, Leblon: get BUS 583 or 584, at Rua Visconde de Pirajá and Av. Ataulfo de Paiva ///



Rio is not only blessed by wild vegetation, but also by a stunning planted garden. It holds over 8,000 species, including century old imperial palm trees, Amazon plants and fruit trees. In 1808, when the Portuguese royal family arrived in Brazil, King João VI created this garden to receive plants from all over the world. The park is the kind of place you’ll want to spend quality time relaxing. No rush. Sit down at the outdoors small coffee shop or walk around listening to the sounds of nature. There are 138 species of birds catalogued by biologists. Monkeys, squirrels, lizards and a great variety of butter-flies are also constant visitors. Besides the 137 acres park, ponds and bucolic paths, don’t miss the Green Houses with amazing nature- sculpted Bromeliads and Orchids! The Botanical Garden was where Tom Jobim found inspiration for many of his songs.

Price: R$4.00

Opened daily from 08:00/17:00

How to get there: From Downtown: get BUS 170, at Av. Rio Branco /// From Glória, Flamengo: get BUS 571, at Av. Augusto Severo or Praia do Flamengo /// From Botafogo: get BUS 571 at Praia de Botafogo /// From Leme: get BUS 594 at Av. Atlântica /// From Copacabana: get BUS 572, at Rua Barata Ribeiro /// From Ipanema, Leblon: get BUS 572, at Rua Prudente de Morais or Av. Bartolomeu Mitre /// http://www.jbrj.gov.br/


Footbal is one of Brazilians’ biggest passions and Maracanã has become a great symbol for it. Latin America’s largest stadium was built for the Soccer World Cup in 1950. Back then, Brazil lost to Uruguay in a historic and humiliating final. The country got over it. Today it’s the only nation on Earth to hold 5 World Cup titles. The stadium’s official record is 183,341 spectators, but new safety regulations now limit its capacity to 90,000. This is where Pelé, Brazil’s hero, made his 1,000th goal in 1969. Not only soccer teams have had a chance to play in Maracanã, the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Madonna, Tina Turner and Frank Sinatra also experienced the energy coming from the massive audience. Even if you’re not a soccer fan, adventure yourself! The top team matches are unforgettable. Fla x Flu (Flamengo v. Fluminense) and Flamengo x Vasco are classics. You won't regret it.

Price: R$20.00 (price for the guided visit, check the newspapers for football matches)

Opened daily from 09:00/17:00 (except when matches and events are going on)

How to get there – underground is the best option! By subway: Maracanã station at Linha 2 /// From Downtown: get BUS 238 or 239, at Praça Quinze /// From Glória, Flamengo: get BUS 434 or 464, at Av. Augusto Severo or Praia do Flamengo /// From Botafogo:get BUS 434 or 464, at Praia de Botafogo /// From Copacabana: get BUS 455, at Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana /// From Ipanema, Leblon: get BUS 464, at Av. Ataulfo de Paiva or Rua Visconde de Pirajá /// http://www.suderj.rj.gov.br/visitacao_maracana.asp


Cachoeira Chuveiro

Parque Nacional da Tijuca - Alto da Boa Vista The Tijuca National Park is considered one of the biggest urban parks in the world, it occupies an area of 3.300 ha. The park offers various leisure attractions as well as for the cultural and ecological tourism. Among the most visited points, worth mentioning, are the Tijuca Forest, the largest urban forest replanted by man, Paineiras, Corcovado, Dona Marta Belvedere, Vista Chinesa. The park consist of three distinct scenic sets: Andaraí/Tijuca/Três Rios known as Floresta da Tijuca, Corcovado/Sumaré/Gávea Pequena and Pedra Bonita/Pedra da Gávea. Additionally the park provides eccotourism with its 16 trails duly marked practices. Don't miss out on the waterfalls here too, Cachoeira Chuveiro is one of the most amazing features of an amazing city.

How to get there: by car is the best option or you can get the metro till the last station (Saens-Peña st) and then buses 221 (going to MARACAI), 225 (going to BARRA DA TIJUCA), 226 (going to BARRA DA TIJUCA) at Rua Conde de Bonfim.

Parque Nacional da Tijuca - Alto da Boa Vista Phone: (21) 2492-2253 / (21) 2492-5407 Opened: Daily 8am-5pm Free entry


According to RioThis Week: http://www.riothisweek.com/neighbourhoods.php

Aqueduto in Lapa



Samba Villa Rua Evasristo da Veiga, 174 - Lapa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2232-4607


Albergue Tupiniquim Rua São Manoel, 19 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2244-1286

El Misti Hostel Rua Praia de Botafogo, 462 - casa 9 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2226-0991

Vila Carioca Hostel Rua Estácio Coimbra, 64 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2535-3224

Ace Hostel Rua São Clemente, 23 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2527-7452

Green Hostel Rua Guilhermina Guinle, 151 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2535-2302

Sun Hostel Praia de Botafogo, 462 - Casa 5 Botafogo -Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3903-4373

Botafogo Hostel Rua Bambina, 158 - Botafogo -Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2527-4536

Alpha Hostel Praia de Botafogo, 462 - Casa 3 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2286-7799

Rio Party Hostel Rua Henrique de Novaes, 71 – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2266-1014


The Baron Garden Rua Barão de Guaratiba 195 - Glória - Rio de Janeiro - RJ


The Maze Rua Tavares Bastos, 414/66 - Catete - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3826-0522

Art Hostel Rua Silveira Martins 135- Catete - Rio de Janeiro, RJ (21) 2205-1983

Hostel República Rua Silveira Martins, 139 - Catete – Rio de Janeiro, RJ (21) 2556-2315


Mellow Yellow Rua General Barbosa Lima, 51 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2547-1993

Bamboo Rio Hostel Rua Lacerda Coutinho, 45 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2236-1117

Che Lagarto Rua Anita Garibaldi, 87 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2256-2778

Copinha Hostel Rua Felipe de Oliveira, 11 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2275-8520

Copa Hostel Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 1077 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2521-1952

Rio Backpackers Travessa Santa Leocádia 38 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 22363803

Rio Rockers Hostel Rua Toneleros, 376 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3511-2221

Stone of a Beach Rua Barata Ribeiro, 111 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3209-0348

Wave Hostel Travessa Cristiano Lacorte, 46 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2227-1846

Sun Beach Hostel Rua Santa Clara, 216 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2548-2597

Walk on the beach Rua Dias da Rocha, 85 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2545-7500

Arpoador Inn Rua Francisco Otaviano, 177 - Arpoador - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2523-0060

Angrense - Hotel Travessa Angrense, 25 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2548-0509

Edifício Jucati Rua Tenente Marones de Gusmão, 85 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro (21) 2547-5422

Santa Clara - Hotel Rua Décio Vilares, 316 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2256-2650

Apa Hotel Rua República do Peru, 305 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2548-8112

Chill Hostel Ladeira Ari Barroso 35 Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Casa da Valeska Rua Barata Ribeiro - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2547-6069

Newton's Rooftop Rua Siqueira Campos, 182- Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2545-7499

Happy Rio Rua Silva Castro, 39 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2236-1638

Brazuca Hostel Av Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 1102 - casa 7 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2247-2623

ElMisti Copacabana Travessa Frederico Pamplona, 20 (next to Hospital São Lucas) - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2547-0800

Casa Carioka Rua Emilio Berla, 180 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3734-2235

CabanaCopa Travessa Guimarães Natal, 12 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro - RJ


The Mango Tree Rua Prudente de Morais, 594 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2287-9255

Bonita Rua Barão da Torre, 107 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - R (21) 2227-1703

Adventure Hostel - Hi Hostel Rua Vinícius de Moraes, 174 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3813-2726

Che Lagarto - Hi Hostel Rua Paul Redfern, 48 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2512-8076

Terrasse Hostel Rua Farme de Amoedo, 35 - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2247-6130

Ipanema Beach House Rua Barão da Torre, 485 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3202-2693

Harmonia Rua Barão da Torre 175, casa 18 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2523-4905

Rio Hostel Ipanema Rua Canning, 18, casa 1 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2287-2928

Casa 6 Barão da Torre 175 - Casa 6 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2247-1384

The Lighthouse Rua Barão da Torre, 175 - Casa 20 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2522 1353

Yaya Rua Farme de Amoedo 135, Ipanema Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3813-3912

Piratas de Ipanema Rua Joaquim Nabuco, 165 - Ipanema -Rio de Janeiro -RJ (21) 2227-6580

Hostel New Ipanema Rua Barão da Torre, 175, casa 1 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2522-2665


Lemon Spirit Hostel Rua Cupertino Durão, 56 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2294-1853


Casa 579 Rua Dr. Julio Otoni. 579 - Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3235-6480

Rio Hostel Santa Teresa Rua Joaquim Murtinho,361 - Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3852-0827

B&B Rio Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, 172 - Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2507 - 3084

Trip Hostel Rua Joaquim Murtinho, 514 - Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2507-0916

Castelinho 38 Rua Triunfo, 38 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2252-2549

Pousada Casa Áurea Rua Áurea, 80 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2242-5830

Mama Ruisa Rua Santa Cristina, 132 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2242-1281

Hotel Santa Teresa Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 660 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2222-2755

Solar de Santa Ladeira do Meirelles, 32 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2221-2117

Rio 180º Suites & Cuisine Rua Dr. Júlio Otoni, 254 Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2205-1247

Pousada Pitanga Rua Laurinda Santos Lobo - Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2224-0044

Vila CasaNova Ladeira do Castro - Santa Teresa - Rio de janeiro - RJ (21) 3852-8939

Paradise Hostel Rua Miguel de Resende, 524 – Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro – RJ (21) 8179-9482

Casa MangoMango Rua Joaquim Murtinho, 587- Santa Teresa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2508-6440


Rio SurfnStay Rua Raimundo Veras, 1140 - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3418-1133


Pousada Galeão Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro 1º Andar - Setor Vermelho – Desembarque - Rio de Janeiro (21) 3398 3848

Luxor Aeroporto - Hotel Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro - 3ºandar Ilha do Governador - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 2468-8998


Ibis Santos Dumont Avenida Marechal Câmara, 280 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ (21) 3506-4500






Accommodation in Rio

Alugue Temporada

Casa Convivio

EZ Rio Rentals

Rio Flat Rentals

Rio Bay Housing



Casa Do Caminho Language Centre

PUC - Rio





Portuguese Language

Portuguese Course

Brasil Langue

Speak Portuguese

Laura Mostafa

Brick Idiomas


MNBA - MUSEU NACIONAL DE BELAS ARTES (National Museum of Fine Arts) Av. Rio Branco, 199 - Centro Price: R$6.00 (Free Entry on Sundays) Opened: from Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm Opened: Tues-Fri, 10am-6pmSat-Sun, noon-5pm Since it was first established in 1937, the National Fine Arts Museum has been located in the building that once housed the National Fine Arts School. Its neo-Classical facade is a landmark on what was once Avenida Central, today Avenida Rio Branco. Its galleries house Brazilian works of art ranging from the XVII to the XX century, as well as works by foreign artists that include paintings, sculptures and drawings. This Museum also features a collection of folk-art reflecting the regional characteristics of Brazil, in addition to a collection of images, medals, African art, and furniture. It also offers halls for temporary exhibitions. The library has about 15 thousand publications, including Brazilian and foreign works.

PAÇO IMPERIAL Praça Quinze de Novembro, 48 - Centro Opened: Tues-Sun, noon-6pm Free entry Built in 1743, this Palace was first used as the home of the Viceroys of Brazil. With the arrival of D. John VI of Portugal and his Court in Rio de Janeiro, the colony was elevated to the status of part of the United Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarve. This palace then became the seat of the governors of this kingdom, as well as its sucessor, the Brazilian Empire. After the Proclamation of the Brazilian Republic, it became the headquarters of the Posts and Telegraphs Company. In 1938 it was declared part of the nation’s historical and artistic heritage, and is today a landmark in the cultural history of Rio de Janeiro. The first floor of this building houses the Paulo Santos Library, with a collection of some 6,000 volumes and 200 magazine titles, most of which specialized in Luso-Brazilian art and architecture. The other rooms of this building feature art exhibitions, as well as theater performances and readings, concerts, lectures and seminars. On the ground floor, stores sell stationery and discs, as well as renting laser videos, a restaurant and cafeteria. The records show that the area today occupied by these stores was the site of Rio de Janeiro the best blacksmith in XVII Century . The first scale drawing of the city, produced in 1713, as well as archeological remains, show that the Imperial Palace also housed the Mint and the Warehouses of the King. On the second and third floor there are usually cool art exhibitions. They also have a nice cafe and small movie theater inside the palace on the first floor.

MAM – MUSEU DE ARTE MODERNA (Museum of Modern Art) Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85 - Parque Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes – Centro Opened: Tues-Fri, noon-6pm - Sat-Sun-Holidays, Noon-7pm Price: R$5.00 (students R$2.00) Conceived in 1948, the institution occupied the annex of the Boavista Bank in the Candelaria district and in 1952, was transferred to the area supported by stilts of the present Gustavo Capanema Palace, then Ministry of Education and Culture. On this second site, the first great Museum of Modern Art exhibition was held with prize winning works from the 1st São Paulo Biennial in 1951 together with works by various Brazilian artists. In 1958, its final transference to the Flamengo Aterro marked the beginning of a course to encourage the production of modern artistry. This construction represents an architectural mark, which is the result of the design by architect Affonso Eduardo Reidy and the landscape project of Burle Marx. Since August, 1990, when it returned to its normal activities following a fire which occurred in 1978, the Museum has been presenting great national as well as international exhibitions. At present, the Museum has a collection of about 11.000 objects with sculptures and paintings by internationally renowned as well as Brazilian artists such as Bruno Giorgi, Maria Martins, Di Cavalcanti and also representatives of neo-concrete art such as Lygia Clark, Helio Oiticica, Franz Weissman, Amilcar de Castro and Wyllis de Castro.

BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL (National Library) Av. Rio Branco, 219 – Centro Opened: Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm Sat, 9am-3pm Guided Visits Only: 11am and 3 pm (Guided tours English speaking guides are available) The building in neoclassic style, surrounded by Corinthian columns, was inaugurated in 1910. The collection dates from the 18th century and contains approximately 9 million rareties such as letters written by Princess Isabel when she was only 10, the first newspapers printed in the country, and many historical documents as the two copies of the Mainz Psal’ter, a book printed in 1462 by Gutenberg followers, a 1572, edition of the ‘Lusiada’ by Camões, the De Angelis Collection, and the Teresa Cristina Collection donated by Emperor D. Pedro II.

CCBB – CENTRO CULTURAL BANCO DO BRASIL Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 – Centro Opened: Tues-Sun, 10am-9pm Free entry In 1989 the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center was opened. The most complete facility of its kind in Rio, its magnificent library contains over 140,000 volumes on a wide variety of topics, including economics, together with collections of periodicals. It has three theaters, four video rooms, a movie-theater, two auditorium used for courses, lectures and seminars, exhibition rooms and also a tea-room, a restaurant and a bomboniére.

CAIXA CULTURAL Av. República do Chile, 230 – Centro Opened: Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm, Sat-Sun and holidays, 11am-3pm Free Entry. The complex was created in 1987 and contains the Nelson Rodrigues Theater, considered to be one of the best stages for theater and dance in the country, two art galleries (Galeria de Arte e Minigaleria) for temporary exhibitions and also the thematic bistro”Camarote Café”. The building, a landmark of architecture in the 70s, is in the shape of a trunk of wide-based pyramids and is surrounded by gardens, passageways and small shallow artificial lakes. One of the façades is wholly decorated in high relief by Caribé, while another one is an installation in marble by Pedro Correia de Araújo Filho. Inside, the walls of the ground and second floors are covered with gigantic cared wooden panels by Ernani Macedo and Robert Sá and, on the third floor, is the glass mosaic by Freda Jardim.The program aims at generating opportunities for new artistic talents and at giving the public access to the works of acclaimed national and international artists.

CCJF – CENTRO CULTURAL DA JUSTIÇA FEDERAL Av.Rio Branco, 241 – Centro Opened: Tues-Sun, noon-7pm Free Entry The beautiful historic four-story building with an area of about seven thousand sq. meters was the headquarters of the supreme court from 1909 to 1960. It became the Federal Justice Cultural Center after it was restored and holds exhibitions focused on Brazilian art and above all photography.The second has temporary exhibitions.

CASA FRANÇA BRASIL Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 78 – Centro Opened: Tues-Sun, 10am-8pm Free entry Dating back to 1820, the severe neo-Classical facade of this building is softened by the charm of its roof-line, which highlights the elegant design by architect GrandJean de Montigny. Its large inner area is sub-divided as required by temporary art exhibitions and events, such as the international Cartoon Biennial. It also offers cinema and video facilities.

IMS - INSTITUTO MOREIRA SALLES Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 476 – Gávea Opened: Tues-Sun, 1pm-8pm Exhibitions and parking are free. Located in Gavea, a district of the southern area of Rio, the IMS of Rio de Janeiro is the largest cultural center of the institution.The buildings,covering a total of 3,000 m² , are surrounded by 10,500 m² of gardens open to the public. Designed by Olavo Redig, with a landscape project by Roberto Burle Marx, the house was inaugurated in 1951 and was used as a place of residence by the Moreira Sales family. Adapted to its new purposes, it contains exhibition halls and rooms, classroom, library, auditorium,cafeteria, art shop, atelier and guest rooms. The IMS Technical Photographic Reserve is a collection of more than 80,000 photographs many of which portray the city of Rio de Janeiro.

OI FUTURO Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63 – Flamengo Opened: Tues-Sun. 11am-8pm Free entry The building that has houses the center was built in 1918 and has just been reformed, resulting in a gain of over two thousand square meters in internal space. The building’s façade was preserved. There are four floors, interposed among the building’s eight levels, connected by glass stairs and elevators. The center’s collection, one of the most important on the history of Brazilian telecommunications, contains documents, furniture, objects and photos. The center’s varied program includes activities related to music, theater, videos and art. Visitors will find a library with an abundance of research material – magazines, newspapers and on-line computers; exhibition rooms, which house the exhibition Corpos Virtuais, with works by artists who use technology in their art; a multi-use theater (with 180 seats); a bistro and a wide range of equipment, such as a huge panel made up of four high definition plasma screens. At the EXPOFOTO space, carioca photographer ZEKA ARAUJO gathers, at the permanent exhibition Plano Infinito (Infinite Plan), 54 images produced in the last 20 years using different techniques, framing and cuttting.

MHN – MUSEU HISTÓRICO NACIONAL (National History Museum) Praça Marechal Âncora, s/nº - Centro Opened: Tues-Fri, 10am-5:30pm - Sat,Sun and holidays, 2pm-6pm Price: R$6.00 - Free entry on Sundays The National Historical Museum, created in 1922, is one of the most important museums in Brazil, consisting of over 287 thousand items, among which the largest numismatic collection of Latin America. The architectonic complex that houses the Museum had is beginning with the construction of the Santiago Fort, at the Calaboose Point, one of the strategic places for the defense of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Permanent Activities: Colonization and Dependency -An overview of Brazil’s economic cycles since Colonial times; Memories of the Empire - Imperial symbols of power; Expansion, Order and Defense - Formation of Brazilian society with expansion and defense movements; From Early Travelling To The Automobile - This exhibition tells the story of the country's form of travel, from the sedan chair carried by slaves to the automobile. Homeopathic Pharmacy -Detailed reconstruction of the downtown Rio pharmacy that opened on Rua Gonçalves Dias in 1847 and closed in 1983; Cannon Yard -Largest collection of cannon dating back to Colonial times, with descriptive texts in Braille; Equestrian Sculpture of D. Pedro II -Thanks to the team work of the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration and the financial support of the Museum's Friends Association, in 1999 the restoration of the monumental equestrian statue of D.Pedro II was concluded. Work of sculptor Francisco Manoel Chaves Pineiro, it was molded in gypsum in 1886 to commemorate the surrender in Uruguaiana in September 18, 1865, during the Paraguayan war, the sculpture was never casted in bronze. Coins Tell The Story - As part of the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the National History Museum, the permanent exhibition "Coins Tell the Story" was opened to the public from December 2002. It comprehends all systems of trade used by man from the very first to the implementation in the 21st century of a unified currency - the Euro - to facilitate commercial transactions between countries of the European Union. Numismatic Collection - The numismatic collection of the National Historical Museum is the largest in its kind in Latin America and one of the world's most important one. Portuguese - Brazilian Reference Center - One of its objectives is to transmit Portuguese culture among museum enthusiasts.

MUSEU DA REPÚBLICA (Museum of the Republic) Rua do Catete, 153 – Catete Opened: Tues-Thurs-Fri, noon-5pm Wed, 2pm-5pm- Sat-Sun-Holidays, 2pm-6pm Price: R$6.00 (Free Entry: Sun and Wed)

REAL GABINETE PORTUGUÊS DE LEITURA Rua Luís de Camões, 30 – Centro Opened: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Free Entry Built in Portuguese style, it was founded in 1837 and protected as part of the City’s heritage, on 5 October 1970. It has over 350,000 volumes in its collection, including many from XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries.

CENTRO CULTURAL DOS CORREIOS Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 20 – Centro Opened: Tues-Sun, noon-7pm Free Entry The Center was inaugurated in 1993. The eclectic style architecture of the building’s frontage is characteristic of the beginning of the last century (1922), with three floors linked by a panoramic elevator. An area measuring 3.480 sq. meters is divided into three exhibition rooms, an art gallery for small exhibitions and a theater to seat 200 people. Beside it is the Praca dos Correios (Post Office Plaza), a 1,3 thousand sq. meter out-door area, with a pond and an acoustic shell. Besides the theater and art exhibitions, other forms of artistic expression such as cinema, video, dance and music are also presented.

MIS – MUSEU DA IMAGEM E DO SOM (Sound and Image Museum) Praça Rui Barbosa, 1 - Praça Quinze de Novembro – Centro Free entry. – Guided visits must be booked First audio-visual museum in the country, the MIS houses a precious collection of music scores, videos, films, photos, engravings by Franz Post, caricatures by José Cândido, drawings by Francisco de Paula, serigraphs by Scliar, Cildo Meireles and Aluísio Carvão, besides musical instruments, radios and record players. Augusto Malta Collection - 20th century Rio with its Carnival, human types, great architectural and urban changes between 1903 and 1936. Almirante Collection - scores, photos and scripts of radio programs. Collection Elizete Cardoso - scores, photos, scripts of radio programs, trophies, plaques, medals and garments of the great interpreter of Brazilian popular music. Jacob do Bandolim Collection - scores, records, photos, audio tapes, books, catalogues, magazines, cutouts and textual documentation of the greatest interpreter of “chorinho”. Nara Leão Collection - photographs, trophies, medals, posters and personal documents of the singer. Irmãs Batista Collection - trophies, records, photographs and albums with cutouts related to the artistic life of the sisters Linda and Dircinha. Salvyano Cavalcanti Collection - books and magazines on the cinema besides photographs. Radio Nacional Collection - records, scripts of programs, orchestrations by Radamés Gnatali and Guerra Peixe. Nelson Motta Collection - photographs of Brazilian and international personalities of the cinema, theater, television and Brazilian popular music between the 60s and 80s.

MUSEU DA CHÁCARA DO CÉU Rua Murtinho Nobre, 93 - Santa Teresa Open: Daily, except Tues, noon-5pm. Once the home of connoisseur and collector Castro Maya, this mansion today houses a permanent collection of modern art (Portinari, Antônio Bandeira, Di Cavalcanti, Iberê Camargo, Guignard, Modigliani, Valminck, Mathieu, as well as furniture and decorative items. It also features a collection of Braziliana with maps of XVII and XVIII centuries, paintings, watercolors, engravings and albums by travelers exploring Brazil during the XIX century (Debret, Rugendas, Taunay). Designed by modern architect Wladimir Alves de Souza, this estate offers a panoramic view of the Guanabara Bay and downtown Rio.

MUSEU DO ÍNDIO (Native Brazilian's Museum) Rua das Palmeiras, 55 – Botafogo Opened: Tues-Fri, 9am-5:30pm - Sat-Sun, 1pm-5pm Guided visits must be booked, in Portuguese only. 2286-8899 Ext: 226 or 227. A building dating back to 1880 that is typical of the townhouses lining the Botafogo district, this is today home to one of the most important collections of artifacts linked to the indigenous peoples of South America. As an scientific and cultural arm of the Nacional Indian Foundation - Funai - Fundação Nacional do Índio, this Museum today holds 14,000 items, together with 500,000 textual documents, 16,000 local and foreign works on indigenous ethnology and related matters constitute the permanent collection of the Marechal Rondon Library, which specializes in these topics, with 50,000 pictures, among photos, films, videos-tapes and 200 sound recordings. In the Museum gardens, there is an area designated for the presentation of native dances and chants. In the area known as the Museum of Native Villages, the photographic exhibition “Tisakisu: Memory of Traditions and New Technologies” exhibits films and photos of the Kuikuro Indians from the Xingu Park, (Mato Grosso state). The photo exhibition “Conquering the art of Writing in Brazilian Native Societies” is shown on the Museum walls. A beautiful museum devoted entirely to natives from what is now Brazil.

MIAN – MUSEU INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE NAÏF (International Museum of Naïf Art) Rua Cosme Velho, 561 - Cosme Velho Open only for groups, visits must be appointed. The adjective näive is the most frequently used to describe the kind of painting also called ingenuous, self-taught and at times primitive. The museum is set on a pleasant mansion, one block away from the Corcovado train station. Its collection includes the world’s largest and most complete collection of this kind: 8,000 paintings by artists from all over Brazil and 130 countries, dated from the XV century to the present day. The MIAN is an accomplishment of the Lucien Finkelstein Foundation and houses his private collection.

JULIETA DE SERPA CASA DE ARTE E CULTURA Praia do Flamengo, 340 – Flamengo Tues-Sat, 1pm-7pm Free entry The mansion, architecturally eclectic, contains a Cultural Center with exhibition rooms, bookshop, restaurant and tea room. Built by the Seabra family in the 1920s, it came under the protection of preservation laws in 1996.

CENTRO CULTURA DA LIGHT Av. Marechal Floriano, 168 – Centro Opened: Mon-Fri, 11am-5pm Free entry This American Renaissance style building in what was formerly the Rua Larga dates back to 1911, and was once the head-office and garage for the Light tramway service. Since 1994 it has housed this Cultural Center, which plays an active role in the city’s cultural life. Its public areas and galleries feature exhibitions, particularly: Espaço Rio Antigo, with a collection of historic photographs by Augusto Malta; Sala Memória which houses a collection of photographs, equipment and furniture once used by the Rio de Janeiro Tramway Light and Power Company; Espaço di Cavalcanti, displaying four canvasses by this famous artist which form a vigorous portrait of daily life in Rio. It also includes the Lamartine Babo theater and the Covered Plaza.

CENTRO CULTURAL SOLAR DE BOTAFOGO Rua General Polidoro, 180 - Botafogo Opened: Tue-Sun, 1pm-22pm Free entry This 1910 mansion has a theater, café, lounge, two art galleries, a cine club and a cyber café. Two of the greatest scenic architects in the country – J.C. Serroni, from São Paulo, (pre-project) and José Dias, from Rio (project executive) – are responsible for the architectural project of the Solar de Botafogo, which has preserved its constructional historic aspect. To give each of these areas its own personal touches, Caco Borges created the decoration of the stalls and balcony of the Solar Theater, Chico Gouveia, the café-concert, Flávia Santoro and Danielle Parreira, the lounge, Alexandre Lobo and Fábio Cardoso, the Vertical Art Gallery and façade, Maurício Prochnik, the dressing rooms, Cláudia Brassanoto, projected the public rest rooms and Alexandre Murucci, the ticket office. The nine architects added their master touches to each corner of the Solar, making it into a kind of “actors home”, that is, a permanent exhibition of interior architecture.

TEMPO GLAUBER Rua Sorocaba, 190 – Botafogo Glauber Rocha, Brazilian genius and filmmaker’s mansion with a permanent exhibition of his collection - films, photographs, documents.. Free entry



Mangueira - Rua Visconde de Niterói, 1072 - Mangueira - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Portela - Rua Clara Nunes, 81 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Império Serrano - Av. Ministro Edgard Romero, 114 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Grande Rio - Rua Wallace Soares, 5 e 6 – Duque de Caxias - RJ

Vila Isabel - Boulevard Vinte e Oito de Setembro, nº 382 - Vila Isabel - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Mocidade - Rua Coronel Tamarindo, 38 - Padre Miguel - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Beija-Flor - Rua Pracinha Wallace Paes Leme, 1025 - Nilópolis - RJ

Unidos da Tijuca - Clube dos Portuários – Av. Francisco Bicalho, 47 – Santo Cristo,- Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Porto da Pedra - Av. Lúcio Tomé Feteira, 290 – Vila Lage, Neves, São Gonçalo - RJ

Salgueiro - Rua Silva Teles, 104 - Andaraí - Rio de janeiro - RJ

Imperatriz - Rua Prof. Lacê, 235 - Ramos - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Viradouro - Avenida do Contorno, 16 - Barreto - Niterói - RJ


Tickets: http://liesa.globo.com/

SUNDAY - February 22nd, from 9pm

IMPÉRIO SERRANO Parade: Starts at 9pm

GRANDE RIO Parade: between 10:05pm and 10:20pm

VILA ISABEL Parade: between 11:10 and 11:40pm

MOCIDADE INDEPENDENTE DE PADRE MIGUEL Parade: between 00:15am and 01:00am

BEIJA-FLOR Parade: between 1:20am and 2:20am

UNIDOS DA TIJUCA Parade: between 2:25am and 3:40am

MONDAY - February 23rd, from 9pm

PORTO DA PEDRA Parade: Starts at 9pm

SALGUEIRO Parade: between 10:05pm and 10:20pm

IMPERATRIZ LEOPOLDINENSE Parade: between 11:10pm and 11:40pm

PORTELA Parade: between 0:15am and 1am

ESTAÇÃO PRIMEIRA DE MANGUEIRA Parade: between 1:20am and 2:20am

UNIDOS DO VIRADOURO Parade: between 2:25am and 3:40am

Venue: Av. Marquês de Sapucaí - Downtown - Rio de Janeiro



Ilha Grande is the largest island of Rio's south shore with 192 square kilometers (74.13 square miles), named Big Island after that. The island was used as a prison island, like Alcatraz and names like Origenes Lessa, Graciliano Ramos, Agildo Barata and Carlos Marighella were kept in the island for fighting fascist dictatorships.


Departing from Rio - the ferry to the island departs from two towns; Angra dos Reis and Mangaratiba:


From Rio to Angra dos Reis Bus Company: COSTA VERDE Where: Rodoviária Novo Rio Price: R$28,00 (02h40 trip) Timetable: 04h00 (not available on Sundays) / 05h15 / 06h00 / 07h00 / 08h00 / 09h00 / 10h00 / 11h00 / 11h45 / 12h00 / (the ferry departs at 15h30) / 13h00 / 14h00 till 21h00 From Angra dos Reis to Ilha Grande Ferry line: Barcas S/A Price: R$6,50/R$14,00 (01h20 trip) Timetable: From Monday to Friday: 15h30 (R$6,50) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: 13h30 (R$14,00) From Ilha Grande to Angra dos Reis Ferry line: Barcas S/A Price: R$6,50/R$14,00 (01h20 trip) Timetable: From Monday to Friday: 10h00 (R$6,50) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: 10h00 (R$14,00) From Angra dos Reis to Rio Bus Company: COSTA VERDE Where: Rodoviária de Angra dos Reis Price: R$28,00 (02h40 trip) Timetable: 04h00 (not available on Sundays) / 05h15 / 06h00 / 07h00 / 07h40 / 08h00 / 09h00 / 10h00 / (the ferry arrives 11h20) / 11h45 / 12h00 / 13h00 / 14h00 till 22h40


From Rio to Magaratiba Bus Company: COSTA VERDE Where: Rodoviária Novo Rio Price: R$20,00 (02h10 trip) Timetable: 05h00 / (the ferry departs at 08h00) / 11h30 / 15h30 / 18h30 / From Mangaratiba to Ilha Grande Ferry line: Barcas S/A Price: R$6,35/R$14,00 (01h20 trip) Timetable: From Monday to Friday: 08h00 (R$6,35) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: 08h00 (R$14,00) From Ilha Grande to Mangaratiba Ferry line: Barcas S/A Price: R$6,35/R$14,00 (01h20 trip) Timetable: From Monday to Friday: 17h30 (R$6,35) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: 17h30 (R$14,00) From Mangaratiba to Rio Bus Company: COSTA VERDE Where: Rodoviária de Angra dos Reis Price: R$20,00 (02h10 trip) Timetable: 06h00 / 09h00 / 15h00 / (the ferry arrives 18h50) / 19h25


Very Important: There are no banks or ATM machines on the island and most places don't take credit or debt card, so remember to withdraw money before getting the ferry.


Its free to camp on two beaches: PRAIA VERMELHA and SACO DO CÉU. There are payed camping clubs with toilets and kitchen facilities at: ABRAÃO and ARAÇATIBA. It is forbidden to camp at: Saco de Palmas, Farol , Lopes Mendes, Santo Antônio, Caxadaço, Dois Rios, Parnaioca, Praia de Leste, Praia de Sul, Lagoas e cerrado, praia do Demo, Meros, Gruta do Acaiá, Lagoa Verde, Enseada de Sítio Forte, Bananal, Freguesia de Santana, Lagoa Azul and Pico do Papagaio


Holandês Hostel Rua da Assembléia - Vila do Abraão - Ilha Grande - RJ (24) 3361-5034

Che Lagarto Vila do Abraão, Canto da Praia - Ilha Grande - RJ (24) 3361-9669

Bugio Hostel Rua Getúlio Vargas, 225 - Vila do Abraão - Ilha Grande - RJ (24) 3361 5473

Pousada Resta 1 Rua Santana - Vila do Abraão - Ilha Grande - RJ (24) 3361-5667

Pousada Overnativa Rua Getúlio Vargas, 517 - Vila do Abraão - Ilha Grande - RJ

Aquario Hostel Praia do Canto (24) 3361-5485

Ilha Grande Jungle Lodge (24) 3361-5569

For further information please check the guides below:





- Niteroi
- Petropolis
- Ilha Grande
- Itaipava
- Paqueta

Check the [wikipedia article] on Rio. It has some useful information too!


Dengue symptoms might include:

• Fever

• Headache

• Muscle and joint pains

• Nausea / vomiting

• Rash

• Hemorrhagic manifestations.

If you have these symptoms, ask your physician to order a test for dengue.


• Rest, drink plenty of fluids and consult a physician.

• Avoid pain relievers that contain aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. (VERY IMPORTANT)

• Acetaminophen or paracetamol may be used.

If you have dengue:

• Avoid mosquito bites while you have a fever.

• Use mosquito barriers until the fever subsides.

• Rest in a screened room or under a bed net.

• Use insect repellents and spray insecticide indoors if there are mosquitoes.

What is dengue? Dengue (pronounced den' gee) is a disease caused by any one of four closely related viruses (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, or DEN-4). The viruses are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. It is estimated that there are over 100 million cases of dengue worldwide each year.

What is dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)? DHF is a more severe form of dengue. It can be fatal if unrecognized and not properly treated. DHF is caused by infection with the same viruses that cause dengue. With good medical management, mortality due to DHF can be less than 1%.

How are dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) spread? Dengue is transmitted to people by the bite of an Aedes mosquito that is infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected with dengue virus when it bites a person who has dengue or DHF and after about a week can transmit the virus while biting a healthy person. Dengue cannot be spread directly from person to person.

What are the symptoms of the disease? The principal symptoms of dengue are high fever, severe headache, backache, joint pains, nausea and vomiting, eye pain, and rash. Generally, younger children have a milder illness than older children and adults. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is characterized by a fever that lasts from 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms that could occur with many other illnesses (e.g., nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and headache). This stage is followed by hemorrhagic manifestations, tendency to bruise easily or other types of skin hemorrhages, bleeding nose or gums, and possibly internal bleeding. The smallest blood vessels (capillaries) become excessively permeable (“leaky”), allowing the fluid component to escape from the blood vessels. This may lead to failure of the circulatory system and shock, followed by death, if circulatory failure is not corrected.

What is the treatment for dengue? There is no specific medication for treatment of a dengue infection. People who think they have dengue should use analgesics (pain relievers) with acetaminophen and avoid those containing aspirin. They should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and consult a physician.

Is there an effective treatment for dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)? As with dengue, there is no specific medication for DHF. It can however be effectively treated by fluid replacement therapy if an early clinical diagnosis is made. Hospitalization is frequently required in order to adequately manage DHF. Physicians who suspect that a patient has DHF may want to consult the Dengue Branch at CDC, for more information.

Where can outbreaks of dengue occur? Outbreaks of dengue occur primarily in areas where Aedes aegypti (sometimes also Aedes albopictus) mosquitoes live. This includes most tropical urban areas of the world. Dengue viruses may be introduced into areas by travelers who become infected while visiting other areas of the tropics where dengue commonly exists.

What can be done to reduce the risk of acquiring dengue? There is no vaccine for preventing dengue. The best preventive measure for residents living in areas infested with Aedes aegypti is to eliminate the places where the mosquito lays her eggs, primarily artificial containers that hold water. Items that collect rainwater or are used to store water (for example, plastic containers, 55-gallon drums, buckets, or used automobile tires) should be covered or properly discarded. Pet and animal watering containers and vases with fresh flowers should be emptied and scoured at least once a week. This will eliminate the mosquito eggs and larvae and reduce the number of mosquitoes present in these areas. For travelers to areas with dengue, a well as people living in areas with dengue, the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes indoors is reduced by utilization of air conditioning or windows and doors that are screened. Proper application of mosquito repellents containing 20% to 30% DEET as the active ingredient on exposed skin and clothing decreases the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. The risk of dengue infection for international travelers appears to be small, unless an epidemic is in progress.


HOSPITAL LOURENÇO JORGE – BARRA DA TIJUCA Av. Ayrton Senna, 2.000 Phone.: 3111-4600

HOSPITAL MIGUEL COUTO - LEBLON Av. Bartolomeu Mitre, 1.108 Phone: 3111-3800, 3111-3685, 3111-3689, 3111-3690

HOSPITAL SALGADO FILHO - MEIER Rua Arquias Cordeiro, 370 Phone.: 3111-4100

HOSPITAL SOUZA AGUIAR - DOWNTOWN Praça da República, 111 Phone: 3111-2629


HOSPITAL CLINICA SÃO VICENTE – GÁVEA Rua João Borges, 204 Phone: 2529-4505

HOSPITAL BARRA D’OR – BARRA DA TIJUCA Av. Ayrton Senna, 2541 Phone: 2430.3600

HOSPITAL COPA D’OR – COPACABANA Rua Figueiredo de Magalhães, 875 Phone: 2545.3600

HOSPITAL QUINTA D’OR – SÃO CRISTÓVÃO Rua Almirante Baltazar, 435 Phone:(21) 3461.3600